We collaborate with you to achieve your goals through various options:
We come to you and work in-house / on-site with you and your team in your company. Or you determine a location of your choice where we work together offsite. In our remote formats we use selected collaboration tools to work together virtually, interactively and experientially. This is possible as a synchronous learning process, where all participants work simultaneously for realtime group interactions, or as an asynchronous learning design, where individual work is used in agile learning tracks with interactive tasks.
On request, we can create podcasts or videos as pre-produced content according to your needs.
Face-to-face workshops, trainings and
conferences for immersive experiences on site
in your company or offsite.
Remote workshops where we work via
online collaboration tools –
entertaining, interactive and dynamic.
Compact and intensive sessions for
quick results, which take place remote.
Professional facilitation of meetings,
conferences, keynote events, discussions
and workshops, which ensure the common thread and
the added value of your event.
Reflective retrospectives and
future-oriented sessions to learn from the
past and shape the future.
Accompaniment, support of teams and
individuals in reflection and further development,
e.g. through collegial consultation, case analysis
and strengths-activating interventions.
Conflict resolution and mediation of conflicts,
disputes and tensions
in the organizational environment.
Individual coaching for executives
and employees for personal and
and professional development.
Introduction and support of OKR methods
in organizations, institutions,
individual teams and projects.
Structured and flexible learning programs,
to promote continuous growth
and competence development.
Long-term strategies consisting of needs
assessments, design, consulting as well as the
implementation of individual change impulses
and their integration into everyday life.
Consulting sessions for sustainable
strategy development with concrete analysis
tools for effective measures.
Structured innovation processes for creative
and for the effective implementation of new
of new solutions for decisive sustainable
development and competitive strength
of organizations.
Accompaniment towards a goal-oriented culture
of change, which adapts agilely to new challenges
drives innovation and ensures long-term success
in a changing world of work.
Digital learning content in the form of videos, audios and
worksheets for independent knowledge acquisition.
You want to conduct your meetings, presentations, workshops, retrospectives, pitches, team, customer or learning events online or in person yourself, but need support in setting up the necessary (virtual) tools and methods?
Our expert team will build and customize your (virtual) tools and methods.
We provide comprehensive training, and equip you with the skills for seamless implementation of your own engaging learning-events, retrospectives, meetings, presentations, teamworkshops, pitches and client events.
We make sure that you get the best out of your workshop event.
Let’s bring your ideas to life together!
Experience the power of tailored solutions that perfectly align with your wishes. Contact us today and let us help you find the best fit for your requirements.