Gruppenfoto von Com-Across, die Trainer*innen von Com-Across stehen als Gruppe vor einem Gebäude und werfen lächelnd die Hände in die Luft

COM ACROSS: Who we are



Discover the expertise of our seasoned trainers and coaches, bringing together 25 years of experience in diverse fields.


At COM ACROSS, we operate as a dynamic think tank, continuously generating new ideas and staying at the forefront of industry trends. Benefit from our up-to-date knowledge and experience across all COM ACROSS formats.


Benefit from our forward-thinking approach and empower your company, employees and managers trough foresight and innovation with com-across.





Porträtfoto von Fadja Ehlail I Trainerin, Coach und Geschäftführerin von COM ACROSS
About Fadja

is managing director, founder and partner at COM ACROSS, trainer and coach, yoga and meditation teacher


Motto: ‘Doesn’t work? Yes it does!’


Topics: Leadership, female leadership, female empowerment, co-leadership, transformation, agile mindset, train-the-trainer, train-the-coach, diversity, digitalisation, hybrid teams, team development, coaching, OKR-Coaching, planning and implementation of OKR processes


Fun Fact: needs chilli, Tabasco or at least fresh black pepper with every meal.


Reading Tip: ‘Dare to Lead’ by Brené Brown – Why? Because this book is research-based on the importance of flipping up your visor in leadership, being vulnerable, and learning from mistakes. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Daniel Kauer I Geschäftsführer, Trainer, Coach und OKR Coach bei COM ACROSS
About Daniel

is Managing Director at COM ACROSS, creative mastermind & start-with-why enthusiast, coach, trainer, yoga and meditation teacher and musician.


Motto: Without ‘huh’ no ‘aha’!


Topics: Agile & digital learning, digitalisation, train-the-trainer, train-the-coach, innovation & design thinking, new leadership, hybrid teams, agile transformation, diversity in teams, mental strength, coaching, planning and implementation of OKR processes, OKR coaching


Fun Fact: He raps his heart out under his musician pseudonym “Dsillusion” and with his band “Mumuvitch Disko Orkestar”.


Reading Tip: ‘The Fearless Organization’ by Amy C. Edmondson – Why? Because psychological safety is a great catalyst for learning and development processes and I can’t imagine my work as a trainer and coach without it. Click here to check out the book!


Porträtfoto von Jagoda Schulz I Officemanagerin bei COM ACROSS
About Jagoda

is an office manager at COM ACROSS. Her unsurpassed skill in organization and process optimization is the key to her success as a working mom!


Motto: What doesn’t fit is made to fit.


Work areas: Organization, process optimization, workflow automation, structuring, data analysis and reporting, project management and implementation support, team and staff support, best practices identification and implementation.


Fun Fact: As a passionate crafter, she always has her Leatherman in her purse. You never know…


Reading Tip: ‘Wonder’ by Raquel J. Palacios – Why? Because the author addresses the topic of “inner values” in impressively clear yet detailed language and illuminates it from different perspectives. Inspiring not only for children and young people, but also for work in organizations. Click here to check out the book!


Porträtfoto von Stephan Beuting I Trainer bei COM ACROSS
About Stephan

is a trainer at COM ACROSS and wanders on a long way from a dilettante electrician to a gifted storyteller


Motto: People think in metaphors and learn through stories (Mary Catherine Bateson).


Topics: Narrative nonfiction in journalism, storytelling and learning, communication and interview training.


Fun Fact: Can fly zero wind kites!


Reading Tip: “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” by Daniel Kahnemann. – Why? Because Kahnemann shows wonderfully that people process information in two ways: 1. fast, reflexively, effortlessly and 2. slowly, deliberatively with effort. Whoever reads it learns that we can avoid a lot of unhappiness if we are clear about the situations in life in which it is better to use one way of thinking and when it is better to use the other. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Julia Behler Trainerin bei COM ACROSS
About Julia

is a coach and trainer at COM ACROSS nature lover and passionate traveler


Motto: Only those who let go can also fly.


Topics: Team development, personality development, communication, feedback, time and self-management, stress management.


Fun Fact: Listens passionately to music from ABBA!


Reading Tip: ‘What I’ve learned from life’ by Oprah Winfrey – Why? Because the book inspires women to listen to their inner voice and encourages them to focus on the things that really count in life. This inner attitude promotes interpersonal skills in leadership roles and is essential for me as a trainer and coach. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Daniel Rettig I Trainer beiCOM ACROSS
About Daniel

is a journalist, moderator, book author and trainer at COM ACROSS


Motto: Everything will be all right in the end. And if it’s not good yet, it’s not the end.


Topics: Presentation, facilitation, communication, creative writing, leadership, leadership development, working in change processes.


Fun Fact: Loves cleaning the dishes and hates Anglicisms.


Reading Tip: “The End of Loneliness” by Benedict Wells – Why? Because the book makes you both happy and sad. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Alexandra Feld I Trainerin und Coachin bei COM ACROSS

is a curious consultant, coach and trainer at COM ACROSS, passionate cook, concert-goer and dream travel guide.


Motto: Just do it – could be good and if not: cheerfully fail forward!


Topics: Business start-up, entrepreneurship, organizational and cultural development, (female) leadership, self-leadership, leadership & team development, working in change processes, change management, empowerment & diversity, agile mindset, agile leadership, self-organization, stress management, feedback


Fun Fact: Gave herself a massage chair for her birthday and constantly vacillates between the programs “relax” and “revitalizing”. Then usually does both!


Reading Tip: “Die drei Quellen echten Glücks” by Dami Charf – Why? Because in stormy times it is all the more important to learn to regulate our emotions and thus get back into balance. Then we can form loving bonds with ourselves and others and nourish ourselves from within – without permanently searching in vain on the outside. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Tobias Nebel I Trainer bei COM ACROSS
About Tobias

is a camping holidaymaker, personnel developer and trainer at COM ACROSS


Motto: Be yourself the change you want to see in this world.


Topics: Presentation, communication, feedback, time and self-management, potential analysis.


Fun Fact: As a dog lover, he decided to have a cat after all.

Porträtfoto von Heike Dahlhaus I Trainerin bei Com-Across
About Heike

is a reader, fresh air junkie, coach and trainer at COM ACROSS


Motto: The prerequisite for knowledge is curiosity!


Topics: Corporate culture, team and personal development, leadership, change management, communication, coaching.


Fun Fact: Loves the Mud Masters and is happy to meet like-minded people who share her enthusiasm for mud battles.


Reading Tip: “Haltung entscheidet” by Martin Permantier. Why? Because this book invites you to reflect on your own attitude in a clear and understandable way, makes you think and is simply fun to read! Check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Britta Pieper I Trainerin Coach und Mediatorin bei COM ACROSS
About Britta

is a flipchart enthusiast, cat lover, coach and trainer at COM ACROSS


Motto: To become who you want to be, you have to let go of who you were.


Topics: Presentation, communication, feedback, leadership development, flipchart visualisation.


Fun Fact: Queen of useless knowledge! What are epaulettes, for example? Ask Britta!


Reading Tip: ‘The Four Agreements’ by Don Miguel Ruiz – Why? Because Ruiz’ way of writing about self-reflection, about freedom and about actively creating one’s own happiness in life has had a lasting influence on me as a trainer and coach. Click here to check out the book!

Porträt von Tobias Zahlmann I Trainer und Coach bei COM ACROSS
About Tobi

is curious about pretty much everything, especially organizations with their people and cultures and therefore coach and trainer at COM ACROSS


Motto: Breaking the surface – with a culture of responsibility for sustainable development.


Topics: Organizational development, sustainable business, leadership, strategy, diversity, performance culture, change management


Fun Fact: Builds sculptures that he has previously dreamed of.

Porträtfoto von Eva Fernandez I Trainerin bei COM ACROSS
About Eva

is a passionate working mum, communications expert, trainer and facilitator at COM ACROSS


Motto: ‘If you jump into the deep end, an ocean of possibilities opens up.’


Topics: Agile project management, digitalisation, diversity, facilitation, visualisation, creativity techniques, trainer* training.


Fun Fact: Speaks seven languages – ten if you count dialects.


Reading Tip: “Visual Thinking: Empowering People and Organizations through Visual Collaboration” by Willemien Brand – Why? Because it shows in a playful and pragmatic way that thinking in pictures is inherent in all of us, that simple sketches are an unbeatably powerful, creative and effective tool, especially when working with complex problems and processes, and that really anyone can draw. Click to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Tarek Ehlail I Trainer bei COM ACROSS
About Tarek

is a trainer at COM ACROSS, movie director, speaker and security entrepreneur


Motto: “Body & mind are a machine, that gets better through regular use!”


Topics: Presenting, appearing in front of the camera, conflict management and

de-escalation, self-assertion in crisis situations


Fun Fact: Once almost won a boxing match against Atreyu from “The Neverending Story”.

Porträtfoto von Michal Foell I Trainerin, Mediatorin und Coach bei COM ACROSS

speaks fluent Hebrew, is a passionate hobby cook, coach, trainer, mediator and supervisor at COM ACROSS


Motto: Full into life!


Topics: Coaching, leadership, self-management, team development, supervision, mediation


Fun Fact: Enjoys going for walks in DIY stores and talking to her brothers in film quotes on Fridays.


Reading Tip: ‘For the love of life stories good for the soul’ by Rachel Naomi Remen- Why? Because the stories told in this book are a plea for life, open our hearts and let us know how much everyone is needed in this world. Click here to read the book!

Porträtfoto von Lisa O'Connor-The I Trainerin bei COM ACROSS
About Lisa

is a passionate consultant and trainer at COM ACROSS and loves teamwork and inspiring spaces


Motto: Paths are created while walking.


Topics: Communication, innovation, acoustic and visual interior design.


Fun Fact: Likes to spend her free time with horses and lets them coach her in body language.


Reading Tip: ‘Reinventing Organizations’ by Frederic Laloux – Why? A creative book that inspires new forms of collaboration and gives an outlook on possible and more effective organizational forms of the future. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Moritz Nestle I Trainer und Mediator bei COM ACROSS
About Moritz

is a specialist for aha-moments, trainer, moderator, mediator and supervisor at COM ACROSS


Motto: Learning from failure is the best way of learning!


Topics: agile team and organisational development, facilitation, discussion management, team mediation and supervision, trainer training.


Fun Fact: Hasn’t cycled across the Alps for a while.


Reading Tip: “Im Grunde gut” by Rutger Bregman – Why? Because this book scientifically substantiates that there are good reasons to start from the best in people. The ability to look at oneself and others in a resource-oriented way is one of the most effective competencies for our work. Giving hope! Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Sandra Zebrowski Trainerin und Coach bei COM ACROSS

is a coach, trainer at COM ACROSS, movement virtuoso, yoga and meditation teacher


Motto: Spiritual escape from reality is not an option.


Topics: Mental strength and self-coaching, conflict management, health management, healthy leadership, employee health, burn-out prevention.


Fun Fact: Has a second stomach – just for chocolate & ice cream.


Reading Tip: ‘The Brain that changes itself’ by Norman Doidge – Why ? Neuroplasticity is the key to our lifelong development possibility – a book that everyone should have read who accompanies people in processes. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Lioba Jarju I Trainerin und Coach bei COM ACROSS

is a dog lover, diversity advocate, coach, networker and trainer at COM ACROSS


Motto: Doing is like wanting, only we experience more.


Topics: Diversity, equity and inclusion, empowerment, team development, change management.


Fun Fact: Owns a considerable collection of earrings!


Reading Tip: “Schwarzer Feminismus: Grundlagentexte” by Natasha A. Kelly, Sojourner Truth, et al. Why? Because it does a wonderful job of helping us recognize and deconstruct power relations and constantly reminds us that we need an intersectional approach to effect lasting change. Click here to read the book!

Porträtfoto von Elisabeth Gans I Trainerin bei COM ACROSS
About Elisabeth

loves to empower people, trainer and consultant at COM ACROSS


Motto: Stay hungry, stay foolish!


Topics: Leadership, diversity, virtual leadership, team development, career counselling, onboarding


Fun Fact: Fulfilled a childhood dream and saw a shoebill in the wild.


Reading Tip: “The Culture Map” by Erin Meyer. Why? Because the book illustrates how interaction with people of diverse backgrounds can be a fascinating source of discovery and learning experiences. It means always approaching fellow human beings with curiosity and sincere interest. Click here to check out the book!

Portaitfoto von Marlene Konrad I Trainerin bei COM ACROSS
About Marlene

is a convinced innovator with a soft spot for sustainability, working mum, impro theatre coach, trainer and process facilitator at COM ACROSS


Motto: Let’s do it. Could be good.


Topics: Innovation & Design Thinking, Agile Transformation, Effectuation & Entrepreneurship, New Work & Collegial Decisions, Sustainable Development, Team Development, Change Facilitation, Communication.


Fun Fact: Passionate about singing at every opportunity and does it from time to time without realising it.


Reading Tip: ‘Impro’ by Keith Johnstone – Why? Because he has made improv theater respectable as a method that goes far beyond theater and teaches us a lot about teamwork, agile learning and innovation. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Alexander David I Trainer und Scrummaster bei COM ACROSS
About Alex

is a trainer, scrum master and sustainability expert at COM ACROSS, passionate boulderer, founder of a start-up and team leader 


Motto: Hakuna Matata!


Topics: Sustainability for organisations, Agile methods, Agile Team and Organisational Development, Leadership, Digitalisation, Agile Mindset, Sustainable Innovation


Fun Fact: In the forest, free large rocks from moss in order to climb up them.


Reading Tip: ‘Leaders eat last’ by Simon Sinek – Why? Because the concept of the Safety Circle provides motivation, trust and loyalty in teams and organizations – just like in great workshops and coaching sessions. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Cindy Anke I Trainerin und Coach COM ACROSS

is a coach, trainer, process facilitator at COM ACROSS and enthusiastic freestyle cook.



Motto: “Expect the unexpected”


Topics: Change, resilience & leadership, digitalisation, team and organisational development, leadership, communication.


Fun Fact: Can’t see spatially and therefore has the perfect excuse why she pours next to the glass, runs into something or parks badly.

Porträtfoto von Jesko Herrmann I Trainer und Scrummaster bei COM ACROSS

is a trainer and scrum master at COM ACROSS, an enthusiastic hiker and team leader.


Motto: Get out of your comfort zone!


Topics: Agile team and organisational development, digitalisation, Leadership, Agile Mindset


Fun Fact: Likes to test his limits in rugby.

Porträtfoto von Gerhard Blockus I Trainer, Coach und Berater bei Com-Across
About Gerhard

is a trainer, coach and consultant at COM ACROSS and professional amateur chef


Motto: We move forward through error after error!


Topics: Finding and implementing sustainable decisions in complex systems, agile mindset, strategy development, team development, coaching.


Fun Fact: Always listens to the end of Wagner operas.


Reading Tip: ‘The principle of self-responsibility’ by Dr. Reinhard K. Sprenger – Why? Because it has been my guiding principle in my job and in raising my children all my life. Looking for suitable circumstances to shape one’s own life and creating them oneself if necessary, instead of letting them determine one’s life, is essential for my work as a trainer and coach. Click here to check out the book!

Porträtfoto von Heike Maerki I Trainerin bei COM ACROSS

is a highly motivated mum, doctor of psychology, goldsmith and trainer at COM ACROSS


Motto: Full steam ahead into a self-determined life.


Topics: Mental strength, stress and time management, resilience, concentration and learning, motivation, creativity and design thinking.


Fun Fact: Loves to hang upside down in a sling during aerial yoga.

About TIMO

is a trainer and agile coach at COM ACROSS, a good listener, foreign language enthusiast, 6-minute diary writer and cappuccino connoisseur


Motto: The best way of learning is teaching.


Topics: Train-the-trainer, train-the-online-trainer, instructional design, agility, agile mindset, self-organization, scrum, effectuation, design thinking, team development with Orgazign, moderation of events/meetings, supervision and process-oriented consulting, agile and digital learning


Fun fact: Worked as a waiter in a Parisian café and occasionally shouted confusing sentences around the café due to his lack of language skills at the time.


Reading Tip: ‘Das kollegial geführte Unternehmen’ by Bernd Österreich and Claudia Schröder – because it takes up and explains agility in the corporate context well and because the 320 pages are not just pure text! Click here to check out the book!

Porträt von Felix Schorre I Trainer und Coach bei COM ACROSS
About Felix

is a true Cologne native, recruiter, trainer and coach at COM ACROSS


Motto: ‘Levve un levve losse’


Topics: Leadership, Recruiting, Agile Organisational Development, Mindset, Diversity


Fun Fact: Loves reggae and regularly performs on stage with the sound system “Bun Babylon Sound”.


is a trainer at COM ACROSS, loves exercise, is a lively motivator and is in love with her headstrong dachshund mongrel


Motto: It is much more sensible and efficient to strengthen strengths instead of tinkering with (supposed) weaknesses.


Topics: Strengths-based personal, team and organisational development, maintaining health, resilience, stress management, mindfulness, process-oriented consulting, team development, moderation


Fun fact: She is probably the only woman who has experienced a massive drop in the number of steps she walks per day after adopting a dog.


Reading Tip: Instead of a reading tip, here’s a podcast tip, because I currently prefer listening to “The Personality Adventure” by Roland Kopp-Wichmann, because he describes exciting case reports and provides concrete, practical tips. Click here for the podcast!


is a travelling enthusiast, Scrum Master & trainer at COM ACROSS


Motto: Nothing that is fun is useless. (Benjamin Blümchen)


Topics: Agile organisational development, project management, goal-oriented communication in teams, planning and implementation of strategy and OKR processes


Fun fact: Has already moved 17 times in her life.


Reading Tip: ‘The Café at the Edge of the World’ by John Strelecky – Why? Because it touches the soul, makes you think and is still easy to read. Perfect for a day at the beach! Click here for the book!


is a musician, composer, performer, theatre maker and trainer at COM ACROSS


Motto: Life is the question, love is the answer!


Topics: Intuitive learning, achieving goals faster through a variety of musical languages, training focus and relaxation, rhythm and music as a team-building tool, interactive team events, group dynamics through music, improvisation as a (self-)leadership tool, intercultural communication and teamwork


Fun Fact: Think in rhythm variations 24 hours a day! He also makes people all over the world happy, both as a solo musician and with his music project NeckarGanga!


Reading Tip: ‘Music and Cosmic Harmony’ by Hazrat Inayat Khan. Why? Because it talks about the synergy between the soul, nature and the cosmos. And about how the unity between one’s own inner self and the infinite can be restored. Click here for the book!